A new decade

Hello 2020,

I am back with a freshly cleansed and newly improved life version of myself. Alhamdullilah, it has been a thorough 3 years. 

2017: Went back to the skies to chase after something which I thought was going to be worth it. Had a different opinion on many things. Life was beginning to make a little sense and comfortability was on it’s way. Times were challenging being away from my loved ones and distance did not kept us closer. 
2018: That was it. Closed my chapter in the skies by being pregnant. This is a blessing in disguise as I could actually feel that this was what was missing in our lives. Mom, sis and Brother in law made the cut to fulfil their hajj. Alhamdullilah. It was the most intense 30 days of my life. 
2019: Never felt more pregnant. Alive and pregnant. Although lethargic, but my soul kept me going. Learned and got in touch with myself spiritually. Reflected a lot. Repent everyday and grateful for everything that has happened. I learned for a fact that everything does happen for a reason. A good reason. And eventually creating life’s purpose. 

Today, at this day and age. I am eternally grateful to be breathing a life, 3 children : A , N and L. Now our family have a new # . #FLANS 

Currently serving life’s wonderful purpose in giving back what I’ve been on a privilege for far too long. Giving as much time as possible with my maker, ALLAH SWT, making and spreading positive vibes around, Being the perfect wife and mother(now this is a true lifeskill), Improvising and constantly learning what this world has to offer and not care about the outcome. Most importantly, be extremely grateful to everything that has happened, good and bad. Alhamdullilah. The good days are great. The bad days are twice as great because there sure is going to be an incredible twist of outcome at the end. Prayers are compulsory, life is not. I’ve learned for a fact that if you put Allah SWT first in everything you do, he will put you first in line to whatever you wish to have or lay it out nicely in his best ways. Insyaallah. 


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